How To Be Invisible Hello there! Thank you for stumbling across my blog. An even bigger thank you if you are here on purpose. I hope you’ll continue the never-ending book story with me, regardless of how you found my blog. This is the very first post. So, here goes nothing... What’s the big idea, then? A good question. What is the never-ending book story when it’s at home? I'm not 100% sure and I guess things will develop and evolve as I go along. But what I do know is that I wanted to start a blog about books and reading - one of my biggest passions in life. I didn’t want to just simply pick up a book, read it, review it and then move on to the next book on my pile. I wanted to do something that would be a bit more interesting and would also challenge me to take my reading in new and exciting directions. And encourage you to do the same. I'm always keen to try new genres, styles and themes. I thought that it would be a good idea to try and let the books themselves...